
Showing posts with label wedding event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding event. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The grand entrance during a wedding reception entails a certain flair by doing a twist here and there just to spice the first part of a wedding program. Doing right during this instance keeps you safe sailing as you go on with the program.

A wedding emcee is there to guide the flow of the program not to showcase his wit and funny jokes. A use of one or two of it is fine but doing the whole of the time is disturbing.

What to consider are saying the right words at the premise moments when needed. That would set a professional wedding host. That marks a breed.

Augustine Music and Events
9300621   09173520410

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Wedding Event - Recollection by Augustine Music and Events

The father was obviously keyed up about his daughter's wedding just few days more and arrangements were done mostly by him with the presence of the future bride and equally edgy mother. They had made the major preparations and opted to add pizazz for the big day by engaging with wedding musicians.

The father of the future bride decided to get us from comparisons made and a week after, the lovely daughter forwarded me the music list closes to their hearts and some were not familiar to us so we did the usual searching of pieces but failed. Good Youtube provides the opportunity for musicians or artists to learn the melody for possible delivery of their chosen songs.

The day of the wedding rolled up. I left the house three hours prior to the wedding because traffic is terrible during Saturdays along Edsa. Much to my alarm, it was the worst traffic I encountered. I immediately called my pianist to help me in case I would be late by asking the church singer to take over, if late. I felt appeased that it was possible.

I reached the church in Sucat just in time for the Offertory to sing their requested wedding song. And I felt better.
After the ceremony, another travel time for the reception at Leslie's, a stone walled restaurant with antique woods flourishing the place. A distinctive wedding reception venue, I can say.

The program started a bit late just to gather all guests before commencing. It was a wonderful wedding to start with. Not much flair of a program but the music from Augustine Music and Events did their sincere share of making the event a marvel and some guests with their wonderful renditions of the couple's favorite songs. It completed the night. Even the bride did a share of a song for her love one and for the guests. She was brave enough to sing a tough song with our accompaniment.

To end casually, Godspeed for the couple!

For Inquiry: 9300621   09173520410
Augustine Music and Events