
Wednesday, June 6, 2012


As a wedding coordinator, it's imperative to consider time management and going to attend the job earlier than expected reduces stress for both bride and the wedding planner. More so when it is an out-of-town service where time catches and being at the right time means more space to do what is required of you and better judgement when amiss. It reserves you ample space to do the bidding for accomplished planning and implementation of what's needed. And there you are, the expert wedding coordinator at hand.

The four of us had the time worth recalling for a wedding coordinated at The Greenery in Baliaug, Bulacan proceeding where rain poured and troubled that it was raining there, too being an outdoor christian wedding ceremony. Then, it subsided and a little sunshine appeared but reaching the venue, drizzles were pouring being early afternoon in preparation for the 3:30 pm ceremony. The bride was worried, the groom was silent and we were up and around fixing things right until the bride had her final say to do the ceremony inside the ground floor of the hall of The Greenery in preparation for the reception to be held in the second floor.

There, a rushed set-up at the first floor of the hall transporting the chairs and tables from a short distance while drizzles on. We realized the need to make the venue a sight to behold for the bride really wanted having it along the poolside. But she did the right move for everybody's comfort.

We made it a point to start the ceremony as scheduled because guests came in droves and we didn't want them to wait any longer coming from far places just to grace the event. Being accustomed to what needs be, the wedding ceremony started on its smooth flow with our attendance that was called for also making the task of the officiating priest easier.

The music provided by members of Augustine Music and Events made it more solemn as the ceremony went. Well, with their music choices, they knew better.

When the rites were done, it took thirty minutes before the wedding reception program commenced following their program. They had some highlights on mind and needed to be done out of the venue, so I was asked to skip some parts of the program and let everyone proceed out for the releasing of balloons with messages written on them by some guests together with their silent wishes for the couple. This also signalled guests to leave being a wedding destination and most came from Metro Manila.

Before leaving, being the wedding coordinator, we always make it a point to turn everything over to the couple matching the list we carry.

This memorable wedding of June 2, 2012 is proof that we extended joy to Alan and Marisa on our own sincere special way. Maybe, we had some missed points but being concerned wedding coordinators and planners we keep upgrading knowledge in event planning.

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